Brev, 17.7.1925, fra John Huston Finley
Objektnummer: RA 318B55
Emne: Brev
Avsender/ forfatter: John Huston Finley
Mottaker: Roald Amundsen
Dato: 17.7.1925
Språk: Engelsk

🔍Stort bilde, RA 318B55 I
🔍Stort bilde, RA 318B55 II
Transkribert versjon
Meget pent svar
The New York Times
July 17.1925
My dear Captain Amundsen:
I sent a message
to you to cable or
wireless on the eve
of your arrival in
Oslo. It was only this
I beg now to give
you the interpretation
of the cipher.
I also enclose a
picture of your tri-
umphal entry into
Side 2
your Capital. You will
not find my form
in the welcoming mul
titude, but I was
Here`s hoping that I
may soon see you
again and , take one
of those nice “long walks”
with you and hear
you “tell all about it”.
Yours ever
John Finley
Captain Roald Amundsen.
Oslo. Norway.