Letter, 9.7.1925, from Bjørn Rock Bjørge
Object reference: RA 318B28
Type: Letter
Sender / Author: Bjørn Rock Bjørge
Recipient: Roald Amundsen
Date: 9.7.1925
Language: Norwegian

SEVILLA 9-7-1925
Mr Roald Amundsen,
O s l o .
The small Norwegian colony here in Seville, consisting of 2 men, has with admiration and anticipation followed you and your brave companions on your journey through the ice, and we allow ourselves now, albeit tardily, and so all the more heartily, to congratulate and compliment you on the results achieved and express our deepest admiration for the strength and endurance, and unfailing energy, that the deed amply demonstrates. Some of the old glory has come again over the Viking land, and it is with joy and pride we call ourselves your countrymen.
But not only we Norwegians, the Sevillanos too have followed the reports of the expedition with admiration and intense interest, and now sincerely hope that one of your brave aviators will also include Seville in his lecture tour. The enthusiam and support would no doubt be tremendous.
With regard to your book about the escape, it would be my pleasure to translate it into Spanish, if you or your publishers have not already made other arrangements.
Yours faithfully
pr. Bjørn Rock Bjørge