1903-06 Gjøa expedition
The crew of Gjøa originally consisted of eight individuals, many of whom were skilled sailors with Arctic Ocean experience.
Andreas Pedersen was initially hired as steward but dismissed just before departure. Second engineer Gustav Juel Wiik fell ill during the expedition and died in 1906. Along with the original crew, several local Inuit and visiting hunters and traders played crucial roles in the expedition’s journey through the Northwest Passage.
Letter, 9.7.1925, from Bjørn Rock Bjørge
Object reference: RA 318B28
Type: Letter
Sender / Author: Bjørn Rock Bjørge
Recipient: Roald Amundsen
Date: 9.7.1925
Language: Norwegian
SEVILLA 9-7-1925
Mr Roald Amundsen,
O s l o .
The small Norwegian colony here in Seville, consisting of 2 men, has with admiration and anticipation followed you and your brave companions on your journey through the ice, and we allow ourselves now, albeit tardily, and so all the more heartily, to congratulate and compliment you on the results achieved and express our deepest admiration for the strength and endurance, and unfailing energy, that the deed amply demonstrates. Some of the old glory has come again over the Viking land, and it is with joy and pride we call ourselves your countrymen.
But not only we Norwegians, the Sevillanos too have followed the reports of the expedition with admiration and intense interest, and now sincerely hope that one of your brave aviators will also include Seville in his lecture tour. The enthusiam and support would no doubt be tremendous.
With regard to your book about the escape, it would be my pleasure to translate it into Spanish, if you or your publishers have not already made other arrangements.
Yours faithfully
pr. Bjørn Rock Bjørge
Related resources
Letter, 5.8.1925, from Mikhail Alekseevich Diakonoff
Object reference: RA 318B42
Type: Letter
Sender / Author: Mikhail Alekseevich Diakonoff
Recipient: Roald Amundsen
Date: 5.8.1925
Language: Norwegian
<indistinct notes written in pencil>
Mr Roald Amundsen
Since, according to the contract between the Norwegian Aeronautical Association and the State Publishing House in Leningrad, I shall be translating your new book into Russian, I take the liberty here of asking if you would be so kind as to write a short preface to the Russian edition. This preface will be reproduced photographically in the book, as well as translated into Russian. If I were also to be allowed to photograph you for reproduction in the book, I would be deeply grateful.
If you are so gracious as to grant my request, I venture to ask you kindly to fix a time when you can receive me.
Thanking you in advance for your hospitality, I remain
Yours respectfully
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Letter, 22.6.1925, from Franz Ottenheimer
Object reference: RA 318B48
Type: Letter
Sender / Author: Franz Ottenheimer
Recipient: Roald Amundsen
Date: 22.6.1925
Language: German
🔍Large image, RA 318B48
English translation
Professor R. Amundsen.
Dear Mr Amundsen.
You may remember, in 1913, when I had the pleasure of welcoming you on the occasion of your lecture in Munich. There is a great span of time between then and now and a lot has changed, but your daring, your energy and your inquiring mind have remained the same.
If I allow myself today to express my sincere congratulations on your return, I consider myself fortunate to be able to tell you, as the representative of the Norwegian Colony in Munich, how proud we are of you.
Your picture, which you gave to me a long time ago, is garlanded with flowers in my room.
With best wishes and highest regards
Sincerely yours
Franz Ottenheimer
Norwegian Consul for Bavaria
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Letter, 25.8.1925, from Det Kongelige Danske Geografiske Selskab
[The Royal Danish Geographical Society]
Object reference: RA 318B36
Type: Letter
Sender / Author: Det Kongelige Danske Geografiske Selskab
Recipient: Roald Amundsen
Date: 25.8.1925
Language: Danish
🔍Large image, RA 318B36 I
🔍Large image, RA 318B36 II
English translation
Mr. Roald Amundsen.
With reference to our letter of <…>, allow me to send these lines so that the arrangements for your kind lectures at the “Royal Danish Geographical Society” may come to meet your wishes. We would like to ask
1/ if there are any, whom you might wish to be invited to attend the lecture, and
2/ if you wish to do the Society the honour of participating in a light meal between
Side 2
the 2 lectures, there won’t be much time, but you must have something to strengthen you then to sustain your efforts.
Hoping to hear a few words
I am, with all best wishes,
Yours sincerely
General <Secretary>
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Letter, 8.7.1925, from Beate Konow Søeberg
Object reference: RA 318B29
Type: Letter
Sender / Author: Beate Konow Søeberg
Recipient: Roald Amundsen
Date: 8.7.1925
Language: Norwegian
🔍Large image, RA 318B29 I
🔍Large image, RA 318B29 II
🔍Large image, RA 318B29 III
English translation
Mr Roald Amundsen
H. M. The Queen would very much like you to once more write down your name and those of your companions – Lieutenants Riiser Larsen,
Side 2
Dietrichson, Omdal and Mr Ellsworth, which she does not have. Likewise, put the date for the start, aircraft, and the day you returned.
I hope that you will now have a good rest period out at Svartskog after your hard & tiring trip. It’s the least you
Side 3
My warmest greetings are sent to you from your devotee
Beate Konow Søeberg
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Letter, 16.7.1925, from Axel Wilhelmsen
Object reference: RA 318B52
Type: Letter
Sender/ Author: Axel Wilhelmsen
Recipient: Roald Amundsen
Date: 16.7.1925
Language: Norwegian
English translation
Oslo, 16 July 1925
Mr Roald Amundsen,
Uranienborg, postal adr. Baalerud,
The City of Kiel’s Office of Trade and Industry has telegraphed to inform us that it has addressed an inquiry to you and to Dr. Eckener with the aim that the conference reportedly planned between you and Dr. Eckener should take place in Kiel. The aforementioned authorities in Kiel are asking that we try at the same time to help ensure that this will happen.
With regard to the above, we respectfully inform you that, provided your journey to Germany actually happens, it will be a great honour for us to obtain a quiet and suitable cabin for your pleasure on one of our passenger ships to Kiel. Departure takes place from Toldbodbryggen, Hersted, every Saturday at 11, and arrival in Kiel Sunday afternoon at around 3-5.-
It goes without saying that this also applies even if the aforementioned conference does not take place in Kiel.
Respectfully yours
Det Søndenfjelds Norske Dampskibsselskab
[The Søndenfjelds Norwegian Steamship Company]
Axel Wilhelmsen <signed>
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Letter, 20.8.1925, from Laur. Christiansen
Object reference: RA 318B64
Type: Letter
Sender / Author: Laur. Christiansen
Recipient: Roald Amundsen
Date: 20.8.1925
Language: Norwegian
English translation
Hr. Roald Amundsen, Oslo
Two years ago you were kind enough to present us with the map you used on the South Pole journey. This is now stored in Bergen Museum’s fireproof vault, pending the opening of our collections on the 4th floor of Bergen Museum’s new historical-antiquarian building, probably next year.
Now we come to you again and ask for your consideration and goodwill by remembering us with an object from the flying expedition and, in a similar way, a memento from “Maud” when it comes home. We are grateful for what we can get, but allow us to suggest that we would very much like to have maps — to be able to have a part of our map wall as a Roald Amundsen-tribute in our museum — for the edification of posterity. We dare to assure you that the objects will be treated as they should be.
We therefore hope for your goodwill and remain
in admiration
Bergen Sjøfartsmuseum
Laur. Christiansen [signature]
Forman [by hand]
A.Ragnar Brækhu [signature]
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Letter, 27.5.1920, from Thora Hansen
Object reference: RA 318B57
Type: Letter
Sender / Author: Thora Hansen
Recipient: Roald Amundsen
Date: 27.5.1920
Language: Norwegian
English translation
Kristiania 27 May 1920, Sorgenfrig. 37.
Her. Kaptein Amundsen.
Dare I be so bold as to send you the enclosed little package? The package contains a pair of black woollen socks that I have made for you.
As an old minister’s wife, I have got used to spinning wool. I buy wool in Hûrdalen, spin the wool and then knit socks for my 12 grandchildren. One pair for every birthday. This year I have spun and knitted for 13, and if Herr Amundsen will do me the great pleasure of wearing my stockings, there will be five ready-made pairs for him on the day when we shall meet him with jubilation and joy at Kristiania harbour.
Yours with respect and admiration,
Thora Hansen.
(Widow of Provost H.E. Hansen, Moss.)
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Letter, 19.7.1915, from Edna Christofferson
Object reference: RA 318B33
Type: Letter
Sender / Author: Edna Christofferson
Recipient: Roald Amundsen
Date: 19.7.1925
Language: English
July 19 – 1925,
Captain Roald Amundsen
North American Newspaper Alliance
New York, N.Y.
My dear Mr. Amundsen:–
It is with the utmost happiness that I learn of your safe return to civilation and to the friends who love you.
No one in the world has been more keenly interested in your flight than have I.
I witnessed your first air flight, in a hydro-airplane with the late Silas Christoffersen at San Francisco March 26t 1913. At that time I remember you purchased the flying boats from Mr. Christofferson for your contemplated trip to the north Pole the following year.
Would you please send me one of your autographed photos?
My hearty good wishes to you and to Lincoln Ellsworth
Kindest personal regards,
Mrs. Silas Christofferson